Difference is part of our lives – we are all unique. We have disagreements with others on many levels, but sometimes we can’t resolve them ourselves and we may need the help of professionals, often lawyers, and possibly the Court, to resolve them – particularly but not only where legal issues are concerned.
Mediation is very often an appropriate way to address and resolve these issues, whether they are commercial, corporate or organisational disputes or disagreements, or whether they are personal such as the breakdown of a marriage or other relationship. Mediation puts those involved in such issues at the heart of the process and helps them reach mutually acceptable terms of agreement, with the assistance of their respective lawyers insofar as they may want this. It is cost effective and invariably very much quicker than the traditional court procedures.
We hope that this website will provide you with whatever information you may need about mediation and about Lise as a mediator. Please feel free to contact us for an informal discussion to explore, without any commitment whatsoever, how mediation could help your, or your client’s individual circumstances.